Tuesday, November 07, 2023


It's a frigging irony that I'm someone who gets emotional even when I have to dispose old clothes and items.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


 In all probability, the intensity of the experience will mellow down, the specifics will be forgotten and people will be forgiven. But, trust is lost forever. It's snake around my legs and I shall tread with extreme caution. It's a bloody viper.

Game plan

 In effect, a problematic bad resource that cannot be abandoned for sentimental reasons will remain trusted with a scapegoat for people to rejoice. No answers, no explanation and to top it all, they serve him a good deal of accusations. I hope not there's going to be another situation like this for they'll surely regret it when it happens.

A complete experience

My sleep has in deed been an enviable sore point for many and they have remarkably succeeded in give me a sleepless night. The quivers in the body and a disturbed mind, completes the experience.

Box office

Nothing breaks a filmmaker's heart like when producers reject a novel climax in favor of a trite pointless conventional one.. Bloody insipid luddites!


I must have triggered some bot checks at Blogger 

Stem the rot

You are becoming one among the many, you are losing character.

Not bad

 Suddenly success becomes very important.


Amy Farrah Fowler, what's the connection between 'feeling gutted' and 'getting creative'?

Steer clear

 'Let things be', 'Go with the drift' and all that nonsense has led you here.

About me

People have been wonderful in misunderstanding me. That's alright. Go ahead!